Thursday, October 16, 2008

Birds of Prey

I was walking by the beach one day when of the Brahminy kites swifty scooped a fish with its sharp claws. It was too fast and amazing and the fish may not even have noticed the last few minutes before it got itself caught.

Mother nature has a way of distributing attributes to flora and fauna to make them survive in the wild. For instance, birds of preys have extremely sharp eyesights. Owls and hawks have very good eyesight such that even if they miles high up in the air, they could still see their potential food the size of a rabbit or a rat. Their eyes can keep track of every movement of the prey.

Birds of prey also have a great power of flight compared to other kinds of birds like the dove. They are usually the bigger kinds of birds with larger wingspan.

These birds of preys are the most endangered among the different kinds of birds due to habitat loss. Because much of the forested lands are degraded or simple scraped to give way to housing, small mammals and other animals that are the source of food for these birds are slowly getting lost too.

Everything in this world is interconnected. Whether the birds up in the sky or the fish deep in the ocean; or a mouse in Asia and a forest fire in California, there is a connection that cannot be broken. Some people don't know this even though it is not hard to find out.

More information here.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Study: Exotic pets may be risky for children

While perusing the paper this morning, I came across the lifestyle section of the paper that shows a study concluding that exotic pets, which are increasingly becoming popular as household pets, may pose risk to children at home.

Some psychologists have concluded that children who have pets develop positive characters but there are some kinds of animals that parents should be wary of. For instance, tortoises are known to be carriers of salmonella that can easy be transferred to kids.

Some exotic pets such as iguanas and monkeys can cause scratches or may bite children can can cause allergies or transfer bacteria.

The study pointed out that almost all of American households have more than one pets. The study recommends that families having kids aged less than five should not keep exotic animals as pets.

It was also pointed out in the study that salmonella in kids that came from contacts with lizards and other reptilian pets constitute 11 percent of all cases recorded.
The study says that "Exotic animals imported to the United States have been associated with the introduction of infectious agents otherwise not present in the United States."

Now, I am thinking of just sticking to having traditional dogs and cats as pets. They are very kid friendly and its not a problem looking for veterinarians specializing in caring for them.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A trip to the zoo

I applaud teachers and schools that teach kids about kindness to animals. There are so much to be learned about animals and that one of the best places to learn about them is the zoo.

The last time I went to the zoo was six months ago when I brought my 6 year old son. I can see how amazed my son was looking at the monkeys hanging and playing from branch to branch. He loved the giraffe and their long necks. In fact my son enjoying feeing leaves to them that he fed and watched them eat for 30 minutes. The roar of the lions shocked my son a bit but later he learned it was a normal sound that those cats make.

My point here is that the zoo could be a good learning place for people to get a close encounter with the animals. But it is also a good place to teach people how not get animals from their natural habitats and place them in enclosures.

I know there is a price to pay for learning but there should be a balance. Zoo management should make sure that the environments of these wild animals are correctly simulated in their enclosures.

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Monday, October 13, 2008

Swift Bird

For more animal pictures, click here.
For more animal information, click here.

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Sheep in Mud

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Is this a goat?

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Giraffe Tongue

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Worm-eating Gecko?

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Cute animals

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More Cute Animals

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Thursday, October 9, 2008

My brother loves exotic pets

Last Christmas, my 13 year old younger brother got an exotic gift from his hippie godfather. It was a nice exotic animal: green iguana.

My brother was ecstatic about it because the green iguana will be an addition to his menagerie of exotic pets that include an albino snake, a mexican scorpion, an african frog and many more.

For some reason, my brother loves reptiles. Although his collection includes birds and some mammals, there are more reptiles compared to other kinds of animals.

I have always advised my brother to be a responsible animal keeper. I told him that he should study and research as much as he can about the pets he is caring for. The animals needs should be met and proper housing and exercise should be given.

As for the green iguana, my brother told me that he has done an intensive research. He learned the green iguana is a special reptile and therefore needs special reptile food. He told me an iguana diet should be composed of dark leafy vegetables and other greens containing rich calcium like mustard green and dandelion greens.

I feel so happy that my brother will really grow up to be a responsible man. Keeping pets can really be a great hobby that develops discipline and responsibility.

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Animals Dressing Up for Holloween

Here are some cute and funny pictures of animals:

For more animal pictures, visit this Pets Website.

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