Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Evidence of a fast cooling of Earth's climate almost 13 thousand years
ago has added more evidence to the scientific viewpoint that the
planet is likely to have a swift and severe climate change if the
composition of the atmosphere is rapidly altered.

Climate scientists have discovered that the last ice age occurred
exactly 12,679 years, apparently due to a shift to icy winds over the

A study of built-up layers at the bottom of Lake Meerfelder Maar in
Germany indicates a sudden chill on the planet occurred over just one

And an abrupt increase in storms during the autumn to spring seasons
coincided with drastic climate changes throughout Europe, a report on
the research stated.

Scientists have long known about the sharp chill towards the end of
the last Ice Age but the latest study strongly suggests that a shift
in wind strength represented an abrupt change in the North Atlantic
westerly winds.

The wind shift might seems to have been triggered by factors such as a
slight southwards shift of sea ice in the North Atlantic caused by
some other natural factors, researches stated.

The latest research adds more credibility to contemporary climate
science, which blames short-term human made greenhouse gasses for
global warming and an unprecedened melting of both polar ice caps that
have already brought more extreme floods and droughts.

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1 comment:

hahajohnnyb said...

Eh, not so much. The geophysical record of the Earth's climate shows that CO2 increases follow warming trends and does not lead them. Sure we all know that the world can cool off pretty quikly, as is exampled by nightfall and winter, but the only way to warm the world up is with the sun.