Saturday, May 10, 2008

Animal Mutation - China's Lucky Two-Faced Pig

What’s in the water that we are seeing so many living examples of mutated animals? Remember to cyclopse one eyed cat? Well now there is a two headed pig.

2007 is the Chinese Year of the Pig. What does that mean exactly? I don’t know, but if you’re a pig born with two faces, it means you’re a superstar. Some might say this little pig is a genetic freakshow but to the Chinese this is one lucky pig. People are flocking to see the little pork chop, but I can’t help but wonder if they should be drinking the water over there?
Liu Shuping, a farmer specializing in raising pigs, presents a newly-born piglet with one head, two mouths, two noses and three eyes, for photographers in Xi'an, northwest China on March 6, 2007. (

More animal info here.

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